Saturday 14 November 2009

2006 First cake stall

My friend Joanne found a street fair in Shoreditch and thought it would be fun to do cake stall together. We had moved to London a few months before and got very excited and baked A LOT of things. The picture above is my cakes invading my flatmates room and below the kitchen.

I made a sign 'The Taste' taken from Purple Rain. Bad name!

We grossly overestimated the amount we would need and who would go to the market. It turned out that we were in a very underprivileged area and we made everything 30p. We sold everything.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I can't believe you've included this!
    I baked in KB's old flat in Peckham because I didn't even have a house - what the hell was I thinking? x Jozza x
